WBG Phase 4
How do I get started
as a WBG Benefactor
WBG Phase 4
How do I get
started as a
WBG Benefactor
Phase 4
Note: Going forward all workers in previous pages will now be referred to as Associates! A correction will be made in previous versions phases 1, 2 & 3.
NOTE: The reference Circle icons for examples below will be available shortly
WBG Internal/ External Introduction
One of the biggest questions for most people on this RV/GCR journey is: After I receive all this RV money, as a Benefactor/ Custodian, as an Associate/ Custodian or Project Manager, “How do I get started”????
There is no easy answer to this question because Every Benefactor/ Custodian and Associate/ Custodian position is different! Some WBG Benefactor/ Custodians are whales with billions if not trillions or more of free money to distribute around the world. We call it free money because the benefactors are the chosen ones who have answered the call to help hydrate our world with the RV money because we have huge hearts and we are humanitarians! Also most Benefactors under normal circumstances would never have been in a position to make millions, billions, trillions or even quadrillions of these monies! It is only because of our current position in life that allows us to contribute to humanity this way!
We also have a lot of smaller Benefactor/ Custodians who only have a few million dollars of free money to contribute to the planets benevolence. The Benefactors give their free infrastructure money and time to the WBG Infrastructure Pool as energy! The Member Associate gives their labour and time to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool as energy. The only big difference between a whale and the smaller Benefactor/ Custodian or Member-Associate/ Custodian is the size and number of projects and of course the number of $ each has. Not all whales have a lot of humanitarian projects of their own. Some have none but they have a huge heart! Some of the whales rely on working with WBG’s infrastructure projects and member Associates who don’t have funding but have a project that needs infrastructure funding (See Phase 3 Docs.) One of the only big differences between a Benefactor and an associate is that both have huge hearts and wanting to help humanity in whatever way they can. The Benefactors have been fortunate enough in life to be able to afford some currency or bonds, where the Associate has not been given an opportunity to attain some currency or bonds because of their current situation which is no fault of their own. It is the 3D system in which we are all currently find ourselves in. One thing is for sure, we all basically want the same thing! We are all here in this moment in time to try and do our part in fixing humanity once and for all, so no one has to do it again!
In Phase 3 we learned about the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool and how WBG Member Benefactors and Member Associates became Project Managers or Custodian’s. We also learned how to generically use the WBG Infrastructure Funding pool. Now we will learn how to use it in fine detail from and individual perspective but separate from the QFS. But first we will explore more new concepts and the reasons why WBG companies will NOT be using Money and why WBG will share resources with other WBG companies without paying for them. We will also explore another new concept of using the WBG Company Float and how it will help WBG become Self Sufficient?
Remember that while WBG will not be using money internal to WBG….at the same time externally WBG will purchase and sell goods & services, as well as handle employee wages, maintenance and expansion as we grow. All these things will be recorded for accounting purposes only within the QFS so the QFS can keep track of every transaction. We do this also to keep track of an approximate worth value if required for any reason! We will do this until not required any more.
This will happen when our world doesn’t require money any more for anything because of so much abundance! We expect this to take about 20 years or more. This is WBG’s ultimate goal, which is to help remove money from the planet which is part of unity consciousness! People will learn over time to work from their hearts and their desires instead of having to make ends meet because of money and the hardships that it creates.
WBG Company Float LightBlue_7.jpg
An initial amount of free infrastructure money will be deposited into each Project or Company account to get things started. This free amount will be determined by the size of each Project or Company and how many resources will be daily used like materials, labour etc. The reason why this amount is only temporary is to force project managers and Custodians to be fiscally responsible for their own Projects and Companies. When these monies run out then the WBG Company Float free loan money kicks in!
From an individual perspective, each new individual WBG Project or Company that is built and becomes ready for business requires some sort of initial cash-flow for the Public/ Retail side. The WBG Company Float will be created from WBG infrastructure Funding pool money which we are not allowed to make a profit with it. So what we do is set up a small WBG Company Float account from WBG infrastructure Funding Pool money which is located in the QFS.
The WBG Company Float will be interest free and will be initially used by both Internal (no money)and External sides (public/ Retail) of each individual WBG company as it starts up for business for the first time! Then over time as each individual Project or Company becomes profitable, they will at the same time share resources with other Projects and Companies within all of WBG for free. When we share resources with other Projects and companies within all of WBG we are in essence feeding parts of WBG with resources to help make WBG profitable and at the same time self sufficient!
Every Benefactor or Associate Custodian is encouraged to find creative ways to make a profit with your completed projects or companies that are now open for business! There will be some exceptions to the rule like most Benefactors like the idea of supporting no charge for Med-Bed/Celestial Chambers technology to the public! This allows everyone (the public) access to the Med-Bed/ Celestial Chamber technology to receive body enhancements or age regression for free! Other than these or other new ET technologies for the public as stated earlier it is encouraged to create a profit because we want to be self sustained and allows WBG to expand to other parts of the world. We don’t have to make a huge profit. But a big enough profit that will pay for any wages, maintenance, and expansion and allow for repaying of any money temporarily borrowed from the WBG Company Float! It is also encouraged that each Benefactor after they receive their RV funds that they put at least 5% of their funds each ¼ into a separate account, preferably a high interest bearing account if available for a rainy day! These funds would be used as a backup in case of any emergency that arises!
The WBG Company Float is part of the Public/ Retail-side as the project or company makes a profit. The intent is because we will be temporarily be using this money to get started so this money will be paid back eventually after the WBG Public/ Retail side starts making a profit. This pot would act like an interest free over draught account loan. The idea is to let each project and company to draw as much money from this account as required. Each company will purchase products or services as well as, selling product or services to make a profit. Once a company makes a profit on a consistent basis, then that particular company will start paying back any amount temporarily borrowed from the interest free WBG Company Float. This is an interest free loan to every company on start up that needs to be paid back as soon as it is profitable. Think of it as a temporarily running up a tab until they make a profit. (See illustration #15 below)! Keeping in mind that WBG Infrastructure Pool will be simultaneously covering most costs that are still considered free infrastructure money. We are using the concept of WBG company float because we want each company that is created within WBG to be responsible and accountable in its fiscal spending. This will be done Via the VPN and QFS. This will make good sound business sense once we get going. Those businesses which struggle in the beginning will have the help of the rest of WBG’s expertise from around the world via the VPN where everyone will be connected in real time to ask and get answers right away with any problems that arise in any of our Project/ Company locations.
WBG Internal Side LightBlue_6.jpg (See Illustration #15 below)
As money flows from WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool into WBG Funding Day to Day Operations via WBG Internal. We start with the Internal segment which is part of the process where everything is that is done inside or for WBG group is for free. All free from the single project or company, right up to and including all that is within WBG. All of WBG Internal will be working towards self sufficiency (No money is used)! Note: in the beginning we will have to use money. As we get more developed post NESARA/ GESARA, then everything we do will be for free within WBG. Everything outside of WBG i.e. the Public and Retail Whole sale etc else will be paid for with money. Remember all monies spent and earned will be recorded and tracked in the QFS for everyone’s protection.
So what typically takes place in all of WBG every time a Benefactor somewhere on our planet wants to create a Project (See Illustration #16 below), “WBG Internal Numbered Description” in reference to Illustration #15 also below).
Each Benefactor who is part of WBG and wants to contribute a portion of their RV Infrastructure money may want to create one or more Projects, but not a requirement! Every project built will need any number of the 30+ companies or others as support for the Projects. When each Benefactor Project or Company is created by a Benefactor in all cases the money flows into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool from the Benefactors. Remember that the Benefactors give their free RV infrastructure money and time to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool as energy! The Member Associate gives their labor and time to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool as energy. Also remember all Members (Benefactors & Associates) are co owners of WBG collectively! This is all part of Unity Consciousness. We all do our part to help fix humanity! No one person or position is any better than another no matter how many certifications one has!
After money flows into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool it splits into two segments, the Internal “WBG Funding Day to Day Operations” and External “WBG Company Float”! We will look at the left side internal (blue) first. From the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool the Funding then flows into the Internal “WBG Funding Day to Day Operations”.
This is where all sharing of physical goods happen internal to WBG. This is also where all Projects and Companies once completed and functioning will share their resources with other Projects and Companies within WBG. This is also where any Projects and Company maintenance or upgrades are completed are still funded through the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool!
From the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool the money flows throughout WBG internal into WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created. This is the place where all new Projects and Companies accounts are created in the internal WBG computer system network. For each Project and Company submitted to WBG for creation. Two accounts are also created. One account for working within WBG and a second account opened in the QFS where all monies will be tracked.
From WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created the money then flows into WBG/ QFS Company Debit Cards Created. This is where each of the Projects and Companies that accounts were previously created in WBG Funding Day to Day Operations, now have Debit Card made for each new Project and Company. The Project manager is normally the one to hold this Debit card for any upcoming purchases like project materials, budget requirements, Services required for building maintenance etc.
The money flows from WBG/ QFS Company Debit Cards Created into each WBG Project to be constructed. The Money will be dispersed by the Project Manager via the Wealth Manager and authorized by the Custodian for each new project wanted by the Benefactor/ Custodian.
Lastly the funds will flow from any new WBG Project that was created into the many supporting 30+ companiesneeded. Here a number of Project supporting Companies are created all with separate Project Managers. Each of which all will have a Debit card for purchases as required for new company budget costs during its creation. This will include any new projects or companies that require employee wages as well as any new products or services will be funded
100%. After each individual Project is completely open and ready for business, then those Projects and Companies can now start sharing resources with other WBG Projects and Companies from around the world within WBG via the VPN.
At the same time all finished Projects and Companies can now start using the interest free WBG Company float on the external side until self sufficient.
Illustration #15 below is an example of how the WBG internal/ External Company Float process works. When looking at the numbering system below, we see that the WBG Internal Self Sufficient side starts and is represented by light Blue circled numbers and the “WBG Funding Day to Day Operations”. The WBG External side starts and is represented by the Public/ Retail profit side which is shown by light gray circle numbers and “WBG Company Float”. The “WBG Internal Numbered Description (Illustration #16)” below is an example of each step in the process of how the WBG Company Float works. The “WBG External Numbered Description” below is an example of each step in the process of how the WBG Company Float works
Illustration #15
WBG Internal Numbered Description: (Illustration #16 Below):
1) LightBlue_1.jpg All of WBG internal and external including all Members, Projects and companies etc….Everything!
2) All of WBG group membership i.e. Benefactors and Associates will own WBG collectively. This is part of the unity consciousness. i.e. All Member Benefactors and Member Associates give to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool. The Benefactors give their free infrastructure money and time to the WBG Infrastructure Pool as energy! The Member Associate gives their labour and time to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool as energy.
3) Benefactors decide how much free money to donate to their Projects and other WBG Associate Projects.
4) All Benefactors donate/ supply free funding money into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool. Once the donated money flows into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool the money flow then splits into two outputs.
5) The WBG funding pool is split into WBG Internal (self sufficiency) and WBG External (Public/ Retail profit) side.
6) Funding flows to the internal side from WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool.
7) The money then flows from the WBG Funding Pool into Day to Day Operations first funding all existing maintenance costs and any expansions within WBG 100% and then flowing to create more new Projects and new accounts.
8) Funding continues to flows through WBG Internal from Funding Day to Day Operations into WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created. An account is created for each individual project or company with in WBG for communications.
9) Each Project idea that is created, a Company Account is created in the QFS and then each Project is hydrated for the amount that the Project manager of the Project budgeted for, as well as an account for each of the 30+ WBG companies that are required to help support each of the projects to completion.
10) For each new Project and Company Account that is created, a Project or Company Debit Card is created for purchases by the Project Manager. Initial deposit authorized by the Custodian via the Wealth Manager.
11) For each WBG/ QFS company debit card that is created. Each individual debit card will be hydrated with cash based on the individual needs of each Project and Project managers budget. All funds will be posted and tracked in the
QFS, but at the same time no money will move between hands or companies internal to WBG. This will include any new projects or company that require employee wages as well as any new products or services will be funded 100%,
12)For each WBG Project that is created, the funds will flow from any new WBG Project that was created into the many supporting 30+ companiesneeded by an individual Project. This will include any new projects or company that require employee wages as well as any new products or services will be funded 100%,
Illustration #16
WBG External Side
In the flow chart process illustration # 15 above, starting with at the top, the process flow to the internal side is identical to the External side until it splits coming out of the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool. This is where the main difference between the light blue WBG internal self sufficient side “WBG Internal side” and the gray WBG External (Public/ Retail profit) side and “WBG Company Float” takes place. Let’s look at how the WBG external side works.
In the beginning it is important for Member Benefactors/ Associates, Project Managers and Custodians to be very much aware of the public/ Retail side of the company float. Everyone working on a project or company must find creative ways for their projects and companies that they are building to make a profit. The only exception to this is if the project was meant to be totally free from profit of any kind. For example: For the most part most benefactors want to have Med-Beds and Celestial Chambers free for everyone who want to use them!
Only after the Projects or Companies are totally complete and ready for business is when the WBG Company Float kicks in to help with the Public/ Retail purchases! Remember these Funds on the External side are a temporary interest free loan to each Project or Company that will require a startup cash-flow in the beginning up until they become profitable. Then at some point the interest free loan must be repaid, but only when the Projects or Companies are making a profit. If any of the projects or companies are struggling to repay the interest free loan they can ask for help from WBG head offices and the other members via the VPN for suggestions and expertise on how to make their operation more profitable. They can take bits and pieces of suggested information from different members around the world who have been more successful with a similar setup. This is an internal free service to everyone!
WBG Company Float
The money then flows from the WBG Funding Pool into the “External WBG Company Float” via WBG External Money that flows through WBG Company Float splits into Public and Retail. The “External WBG Company Float” works like a bank over draught and is located in the QFS. “WBG Company Float” money is basically an interest free loan and used temporarily in the beginning by all WBG Projects and Companies until they make a profit. As soon as a Project or Company starts to make a profit on a consistent basis then the interest loan must start to be paid back. Remember simultaneously on the internal side, other WBG Projects and Companies will be sharing resources with each other for free all around the world.
Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created
Money then flows into “Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created” from WBG company Float via Public and Retail Side. Here two WBG accounts for each of the Public/ Retail sides of each Project or Company are created in the QFS, two for the Public and two for Retail. i.e. the Public side will have one main purchasing account and one Selling account and the Retail Side will have one main purchasing account and one Selling. An example of the Public would be if a WBG Project or Company were required to purchase items for any wholesale items or any vendors outside of WBG.
An example of the Retail side would be if a WBG Project or Company had clients to dine at a restaurant or purchase something that is hand-made art like from a local artist to be put in a business office.(Additional accounts will required for other WBG departments). Debit cards will be handed out to each Project/ Company Benefactors or Associate, Project Manager and Custodian or company /department heads.
WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Services
Funds now flow into “WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Service” from “Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created” above. Here the “WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Services” is where WBG keeps track of all transactions via the QFS. Every WBG Project and Company that WBG Buys & Sells Goods & Services will be recorded here for reference for the internal side where all resources are shared. This will also be the place where communications will be transferred back to the WBG Funding Pool whenever a WBG Project or Company starts making a profit . This in turn will tell the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool to adjust the amount of interest free money going out to Projects and Companies when they start to make a profit .
As the money flows from “WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Services”, it then splits in two, “WBG Buy” and “WBG Sell”. WBG Buy portion is each Members Projects and Companies that purchase goods and services on behalf of both, their Projects and Companies as well as any excess for WBG warehouses that can be distributed later throughout all of WBG and around the world.
The WBG Sell portion is each Members Projects and Companies that sell goods and services on behalf of both, their own Projects and Companies as well as any excess for WBG warehouses that can be distributed throughout WBG and later around the world.
- WBG Buy will also use the “WBG Company Float” with those projects or companies which have been completed. But in this case the Project Manager would allocate the funds to buy or purchase goods and services from the public/ Retail which are not currently in any of the WBG projects or companies around the world. Any Goods and services which are purchase in excess can go into one of our warehouses to be shipped anywhere in the world who needs them.
- WBG Sell is where everyone who has a completed a project or company, WBG Sell allocates the “WBG Company Float” money to manufacture goods or services to be sold to make a profit. These goods and services would also be distributed throughout WBG for free, but WBG’s cost of the product would be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes only. Whenever any of the projects or companies within WBG have an excess product or service from over manufacturing, they can post it in our VPN as it becomes available to all of WBG members. We can also put any excess into a local WBG warehouses for distribution around the world for whoever requires it! If it is for another company external to WBG then it would be sold as a wholesale profit.
Later if that same external company were to join WBG then the same product or service that they purchased
at wholesale price they would now be able to attain it for free. The original wholesale purchase price would
be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes only.
The money lastly flows from “WBG Buy “and “WBG Sell”, each both of which split and have their own “WBG Goods” and “WBG Services” This where the actual physical transaction/ exchange takes place for any WBG Project and Company Purchase or Service that WBG doesn’t currently provide. If your company cannot find a particular product or service anywhere in the world then that Member Custodian would have to start a new company to create the product or service. If that Custodian does not want to get involved with the creation of the new required company, but still requires the product or service then WBG would take that task of manufacturing a new product or starting of a new service! Any excess Goods or services are sent back to WBG Offices and warehouses around the world.
WBG Goods (product) and WBG Services (WBG Buy)
This iswhere the actual physical transaction takes place. This is also where your Project or Company would pay for something and get the actual physical good or service from the public or retail external side. All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes.
- WBG Goods (WBG Buy) Example: This is where one of your completed Projects or Companies wants to purchase a physical item currently not provided by WBG. In this case you must look to the Public/ Retail side to obtain what you are looking for. Usually your purchasing department, Project Manager or you the Custodian, uses your company Debit card to buy a physical item for your organization(s). All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes. An example of a Product or Goods to be purchased would be your company needs special new machinery and training.
- WBG Services (WBG Buy) Example: This is where one of your completed Projects or Companies wants to purchase a service currently not provided by WBG. In this case you must look to the Public/ Retail side to obtain what you are looking for. Usually your purchasing department, Project Manager or you the Custodian, uses your company Debit card to buy a service for your organization(s). All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes. An example of a service to be purchased would be your company needs special training with new software your company just bought.
WBG Goods and WBG Services (WBG Sell) is where the actual physical transaction takes place. This is where one of your completed Projects or Companies would sell something and send the actual physical good or service to the public or retail external side. All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes.
- WBG Goods (WBG Sell) Example: This is where one of your completed Projects or Companies wants to sell a physical item (widget) that you have manufactured or produced on the Public/ Retail side. Your purchasing department, Project Manager or you the Custodian, use the WBG Company Float Funds to pay for the manufacturing of an item so that one of your Projects or Companies in turn can sell a physical item for your organization(s) to the Public/ Retail, WBG or to the world for a profit. All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes.
- WBG Services (WBG Sell) Example: This is where one of your completed Projects or Companies wants to sell a Service item that you have produced on the Public/ Retail side. Your purchasing department, Project Manager or you the Custodian, use the WBG Company Float Funds to pay for the creation of the Service so that one of your Projects or Companies in turn can sell that Service item for your organization(s) to the Public/ Retail, WBG or to the world for a profit. All transactions will be recorded in the QFS for accounting tracking purposes.
As Goods and services are purchased and sold over time this will create a break-even point where one of your companies will start making a profit. When this happens a communication goes from WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Services to Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created. Which in turn lets the WBG Infrastructure Pool via know that one of your companies is now making a profit and will start paying back that companies Free Company Loan. When the loan is paid in full, funding from the WBG Company Float will send a communication back to Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created that no more funds are required to be
paid. The Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company Accounts Created then in turn lets the WBG Company Float know that their service is no longer required. QFS will show which Projects and Companies are still using the WBG Company Float service or not? Then all monies made as a profit will go back to WBG Head Office to be recycled to be used to expand the services of WBG companies. The funds can also used to help create another Project somewhere in the world or purchase another asset for WBG around the world!
WBG External Numbered Description: (Illustration #17)
1) All of WBG internal and external including all Members, Projects and companies etc….Everything!
2) All of WBG group membership i.e Benefactors and Associates will own WBG collectively. This is part of the unity consciousness.
3) Benefactors decide how much free money to donate to their Projects and other WBG Associate Projects if desired.
4) All Benefactors donate/ supply free funding money into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool. Once the donated money flows into the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool the money flow then splits into two outputs.
5) The WBG funding pool is split into WBG Internal (self sufficiency) and WBG External (Public/ Retail profit) side.
6) Funding flows to the external side from WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool.
7) The money then flows from the WBG Funding Pool into the External WBG Company Float which works like over draught and is located in the QFS. WBG Company Float money is basically an interest free loan and used temporarily in the beginning by all WBG Projects and Companies until they make a profit. As soon as a Project or Company starts to make a profit on a consistent basis then the interest loan must start to be paid back. Money that flows through WBG Company Float splits intoPublic and Retail.
8) Funding flows from External WBG Company Float into Retail portion and then into WBG QFS Company Account.
9) Funding flows from External WBG Company Float into Public portion and then into WBG QFS Company Account.
10) Funding then flows from WBG External to “Public/ Retail WBG QFS Company Accounts Created” where both Public and Retail accounts are created. This allows Both WBG Public and Retail sides to be able to buy and sell goods and services as needed. WBG keeps track of everything through the QFS that is bought and sold or services used.
This is also where the Company loan is repaid when a profit is achieved. Money is paid back to the WBG Infrastructure funding Pool when WBG companies become profitable and self sufficient.
11) The “WBG Public/ Retail Buy & Sell Goods & Service, $ to be paid back” is where several things happen at the same time. The “Public/ Retail” will be split into Public and Retail. The “Buy and Sell” will be separate as well, “Goods and Services” will also be split. What will be left is Retail side or the wholesale side for buying and selling. We have the Retail customer side for buying and selling Goods and services.
12) Your WBG Projects or Companies will be buying Goods and Services from the Public and Retail companies and people outside of WBG for your projects and companies.
13) Your WBG Projects or Companies will be selling Goods and Services to the Public and Retail companies and people outside of WBG to make a profit.
14) WBG spends money by buying of Goods and Services from public and Retail companies outside of WBG for WBG.
15) Your Projects and Companies spends money by manufacturing Goods or services to be sold to the public and Retail companies outside of WBG for a profit.
16) Constant communication between the WBG Infrastructure funding Pool and WBG Public/ Retail WBG/ QFS Company via the WBG Company Float via the Public/ Retail WBG QFS Company Accounts Created. QFS will show which Projects and Companies are still using the WBG Company Float service or not?
17) As Projects and Companies Buy & Sell Goods and Services there will come a point when a Project or Company will no longer require the WBG Company Float. When this happens communication to the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool will be made allowing that particular Project or Company to no longer receive money via the WBG Company Float. When this happens funding to the WBG Company Float will be peeled back slightly. If the Company Float money is required again in the future then money will automatically be deposited as required for any length of time.
18) Any profit is returned to WBG Company Float to be repaid by each Project or Company until fully at which time the Project or Company in question becomes self sufficient.
19) As your Projects and Companies start to make a profit all monies made will go back to WBG Head Office to be recycled to be used to expand the services of WBG companies. The funds can also used to help create another Project somewhere in the world or purchase another asset for WBG around the world! In addition any surplus products or services manufactured or purchased in excess will be shipped to a WBG warehouse to be stored or redistributed around the world as needed by any of WBG partners. All excess resources posted and shared via the WBG VPN and warehoused for both internal and external use.
Illustration #17
Why WBG companies will not be using Money is a new interesting concept?
When we talk about how “WBG companies will not be using Money” What we are referring to is that after we get setup as a group, WBG will have the initial goal of not using any money internal to all WBG operations. Eventually over time WBG will have the ultimate goal of not using any money internal or external to WBG operations and ultimately helping humanity rid money from the whole planet. At some point WBG can be the model for the rest of the world to follow! However in the beginning of WBG start-up, WBG will be using 100% of the free WBG Infrastructure money to start up all parts of the internal and external sources until they have functionality! This will include all aspects of Benefactor/ Associate projects and companies startups combined!
Self Sufficiency or Sustainability
Self Sufficiency definition: The ability to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid: Capable of providing for one's own needs. For example: a self-sufficient farm. It is also having an extreme confidence in one's own ability or worth. Put it in a different way in Project or Company terms, it is where resources used or consumed no longer exhaust the resources supplied and can create a surplus.
In the beginning WBG will have to buy and sell resources and hire people from around the planet. Then over time as WBG becomes more self sufficient and we start sharing resources with other WBG company partners. We will have less and less dependency on WBG Infrastructure Pool money and purchases outside of WBG over time and more emphasis on being self sufficient. i.e. Having more and more internal dependency on help from other members businesses within WBG and less dependency on External resources being the Public/ Retail.
Meaning this is a point where total resources used equals total resources supplied by any projects or companies. A WBG company becomes self sufficient when a company can generate more money buying and selling within WBG than outside of WBG. This will be WBG’s main source of the income for funding projects for WBG. But not the only one!
Using money outside of WBG will happen more in the beginning while WBG is getting set up. Then as we get going as a group there will be more and more projects completed within WBG, or at least in a state of operation able to sell or buy products and services and employ people! All members and companies that are part of WBG are considered within WBG. Any person or company not directly associated or working with WBG is considered external to WBG i.e. the public.
Principles to self sufficiency to consider: (Illustration #18
- Each Individual Benefactor or Associate Members Project - self sufficiency (each individual Project).
- Total Member Benefactor or Associate combined Project - self sufficiency (If more than one Project per individual).
- Total Member Benefactor or Associate Combined Company - self sufficiency (If more than one Company per individual).
- Individual Total Combined Benefactor or Associate Projects and Companies - self sufficiency (all Projects and Companies of the individual).
- WBG Total Internal self sufficiency
- WBG Total External self sufficiency
- WBG Group Collective Total self sufficiency of each individuals combined Projects and Companies (all Projects and Companies of all members combined)
- Total Combined Benefactor or Associate Projects and Companies in town or city.
- Total Combined Benefactor or Associate Projects and Companies in a State or Province.
- Total Combined Benefactor or Associate Projects and Companies in a country.
- Total Combined Benefactor or Associate Projects and Companies in our world.
Illustration #18
There are multiple aspects to self sufficiency: (Illustration #18 above)
For simplicity we can break down self sufficiency into smaller parts (See Illustration #18 below). When we break down self sufficiency into smaller parts we can then track them easily in the QFS. This allows us to monitor everyone’s progress in attaining self sufficiency! Below are the Principals of self sufficiency where the stages of self sufficiency are broken down into smaller pieces and can then be more easily understood. An example of each the stages self sufficiency allows WBG to monitor everyone’s progress and we can see who requires help and who doesn’t. This allows us to be proactive instead of reactive.
Note: The Principles to self sufficiency are not there to hurt anyone! They are there to help everyone be self sufficient because we are all learning collectively along the way. Some will struggle with their projects where other will be more successful! Everyone will bring a different set of skills and qualifications to the table. If one Benefactor is struggling in a particular area then they can post it in our VPN for help from our other members! Think of this as constructive criticism, where this constructive criticism helps everyone to grow as a person, project and company. It is not about your EGO getting bruised!
Why will WBG share resources with other WBG companies around the world without paying for them?
As suggested earlier, all Member Benefactors and Associates will all collectively own all of WBG. We understand that, all WBG internal transactions will be recorded for tracking accounting purposes only! We know that all of the WBG Infrastructure money in the WBG Infrastructure Funding Pool is basically all free money. We also know that after the RV/GCR one of the requirements of Nesara/ Gesara is that every country in the world will each have a currency that will be at par with all others around the world. Put a different way each country’s currency will be equal to all other country’s currency or $1 .00 to $1.00! This means that no country will have a currency advantage over another! This also means lower costs because of no exchange fee and the transportation costs will also be about the same in every country! There will also be no more Boarder Tariffs by countries to punish other countries economically! This in turn will make our products and services even cheaper! Don’t forget that a lot of taxes will also be removed meaning products and services will be even cheaper still!
This is a symbiotic relationship where the Benefactors are contributing by their giving of their free money, expertise and time as energy to WBG. At the same time all the Member Associates contribute their labor and expertise and time as energy to WBG. Everyone is working together to attain the same goal of unity consciousness. Everyone is at the same level of playing field! No one position is better than another. What it comes down to is when you give from your heart you give because you can and not because you have to!
When we allocate the money from the WBG’s Infrastructure Pool it doesn’t matter if the free money came from a member whale or from a member that just wants to contribute somehow to the greater good of humanity? Through unity consciousness we all want the same thing and we will all collectively work together for the same goal of total peace, benevolence, equality and freedom for everyone and everything on our planet….”Do No Harm”! It is all part of unity consciousness! We are all the chosen ones of this time to bring humanity together in peace, harmony and abundance!
If we look at this concept a different way! If everyone within WBG all collectively owns WBG and all its companies and assets then why would an individual with a project or company of WBG want to buy or sell anything to another company within WBG when we all own it? It would be like buying and selling something from your-self to your-self that you already own?
Look for Phase 5 Coming soon!
What are the Benefits and Perks of WBG?
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