WBG Projects 200 +
Templates + WBG Logo's - Available Contact Luna (Scroll down)
Report any broken links to geo@worldbenevolencegroup.ca.
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Project Idea List
40+ Companies Support for your Projects
AS a member of WBG or if you plan on staying with WBG after the RV, make sure your Projects are represented on our Templates with WBG logos to take with you to your Redemption/ Exchange appointment. We will also be handing in your projects at our Redemption/ Exchange appointment so all Projects match up in the QFS.
If you are interested in any of these projects below please contact Luna for the Templates: luna@worldbenevolencegroup.ca
World Benevolence Group's List of Projects
Note: letters after a project i.e. A, B, C, denotes a variation of the original project.
- Addiction/Rehab Counselling
- Adoption Agencies
- Aid for Non-Asset Backed Worldwide Communities (Countries who did not revalue)
- Amphitheatre
- Angel Fund Project
- AngelRose Birthing Center
- Angel Rose Foundation (Global Mentoring & Exchange Art programs)
- AngelStar Healing Centers w/Helipads for our Medical Helicopters
- AngelStar Healing Retreats
- Animal & Equine Rescue
- Animal Healing Center
- Animal Healing Center - B (Main Building)
- Animal Gift Boutique
- Antique/Flea Market
- Apiary Beekeeping
- AA Michael's HOME I AM Communities
- Arctic Projects
- Arctic Communities (Yukon, N.W.T. & Nunavut)
- Artist Retreats
- Artist Teaching Retreats
- Benefactor's Projects
- Blissful Garden Weddings
- Books of the Ages, One At A Time
- Camping Parks
- Career/Transition Counselling
- Center for Resourcefulness
- Christian Center
- Church Renovations & Upgrades
- Coffee Shop & Drive-up
- Community Bakeries
- Community Ice Skating Rink
- Community Parks & Fruit Tree Planting/Camping Facility (Boarding Schools/Summer Camps)
- Community Roller Blading Rink
- Community Renovation (Ukraine)
- Community Skate Parks
- Community Theatres
- Conference Zen Retreats (Camping/RV Facility and Pets encouraged)
- Cooking School/Centers
- Counselling Centers
- Creature Comforts Animal Sanctuary & Healing Center
- Dam Removal Worldwide
- Days Gone by Historical Museums
- Drilling for Primary Water
- Drive-In Theatre
- Eco Intentional Communities
- Eco Retreat Villas
- Eco Spiritual Villa/Resorts
- Eco Spiritual Villa Resorts - B
- Eco Villas
- Emergency Medical Helicopters
- Environmental Clean-up
- Family Counselling Centers
- Feeding Our Children, One Orphanage At A Time
- Find Me Kids
- Freedom Un-Schooling Project (A unique Mentorship program for children for the 5D Earth)
- Field of Dreams (An off-leash gated community park for our dogs)
- Fire Departments (North America) (Upgrading all fire trucks, suits, tools, incl. salary)
- Galactic Academy (A School for teaching humanity about our Galactic Family)
- Galactic Academy - B
- Gaming & Restaurant/Cafe (All profits go to WBG Company Float)
- General Stores/Markets
- Gifts of the World (Teas/Coffee/Healing Herbs) Profits go to WBG Company float
- Global Community Outreach (Free Healthy Offerings - Take Out)
- Global Mentorship Program
- Good to Go (Free Healthy Offerings for Take-Out)
- Green Polymeric Composites Manufacturing
- Gyms for Health
- Heal the World Park Benches (Children Sayings/Affirmations)
- Healing Boutiques/Restaurants/Cafe's
- Healing Ashram (India)* (Benefactor)
- Healing Retreats - A (Children/Adult/ Families programs, Camping/RV)
- Healing Retreats - B (Adoption/Overnight stays) Pet Sanctuary
- Healing Retreat in Rural American Towns (Family/Cooking w/Pet Sanctuary)
- Healing Retreat in Rural American Towns (Hospice with Pet Sanctuary)
- Healing Retreat in Rural American Towns (Pet Sanctuary)
- Health Food Stores
- Hemp Clothing Designers
- Hemp Clothing Made Just 4U
- Hemp Clothing Manufacturing
- Hemp Clothing Retail Stores (Profits go to our WBG Company Float)
- Hemp Farming (WW Purchase of Lands for our building of homes, furniture, etc.)
- Hemp Logs Manufacturing
- Hemp Manufacturing (Building Supplies/Furniture/Clothing)
- Historical Scene Parks (New Tech/Holographic then Live Theatre/The Real Story of Humanity's)
- Holistic Animal Care (Profits go to our WBG Company Float)
- Homes for Africa
- Horse Rescue
- Horse Therapy & Survival Skills Training Retreat
- IAfrika Tour (Mag Levitation Train w/stops @ 17 Indigenous Tribe Villages) (Associate)
- I AM Artworks (Local Artist housed in warehouse communities with like-minded individuals)
- Indulgent Centers Retreats
- Instruments of the World
- Instruments of the World* (w/Recording Studios Projects)
- International Music & Dance Centers
- International Organic Restaurants
- Kenya School House (250 students) Associate Project
- Kenya Eco Housing Community (Associate Project)
- Land Acquisitions (Growing Hemp)
- Land Fill Garbage
- Little Give & Take (Library & Pantry Boxes w/glass front door)
- Luna's Apothecary Shops (Profits go to WBG Company Float)
- Luna's Celestial Healing Boutiques (All profits go to the WBG Company Float)
- Luna's Forever Homes
- Luna's Sacred Healing Herb Farm (Profits go to WBG Company Float)
- Luna's Sacred Healing Herb Farm & School
- Luna's Yoga Studio Resorts
- Luna's Yoga Studio Resort Communities/Retreats
- Lunita's Blissful Weddings Gardens (All profits go to WBG Company Float)
- Merlin's Magic Academy (School for 13 yrs+ who will learn how to use their special gifts)
- Mexico Eco-Community
- Mobile Food Service (Food Trucks for our Homeless Community)
- Mobile Laundry/Showers/Grooming Services for our Homeless Community
- Mobile Pet Grooming Services (Seniors Homeless Community)
- Museum for Hobbyists
- Museum for the Preservation of Indigenous Way of Life (Yukon/N.W.T./Nunuvut/Alaska)
- Museum of Contemporary Antiquities
- Myrical Musical Parks (To help raise the vibration of planet earth)
- Natural Healing Boutiques
- Nature's Camping Retreat
- Nature's Farm Retreat -Families to experience a farm and pet sanctuary
- Nature's Learning Farm Retreat -Day program (Learning while working on a farm)
- Nature's Learning Family Rest/Relaxation Spa Retreat (Family Retreat)
- Nature's Learning Family Yoga Retreat
- Neighborhood Home Reno Projects
- Old Soldiers Home (For Veterans, Orting, Washington)
- Organic Farmers Market
- Organics for Everyone Everywhere
- Parks Canada
- Parks & Fruit Tree Planting
- Pet Sanctuary (Community Animal Shelters)
- Pet Sanctuary - B (All animals + a Petting Zoo) and MedBed
- Pet Sanctuary - C (Cattery only)
- Pet Sanctuary - D (Wild/Stray Cats & Dogs Feeding/Adoption Program)
- Pet Sanctuary - E (Wild/Stray Dogs & Horses Adoption Program)
- Petting Zoo
- Play Centers (Arcade/Cosmic Bowling/Bumper Cars, Go-Carts, etc.)
- Play Centers - B (Pools & Rides)
- Product Development Project
- Rainforest Jungle Reforestation
- Rambling Rose Wedding Gardens (All profits go to WBG Company Float)
- Recording Studios Project (in conjunction w/INSTRUMENTS OF THE WORLD)
- Recreation Center (Columbia, S.A.) (Associate)
- Recreational Sports Complex
- Refugee Relocation Services
- Re-purposing of Abandoned Quarries
- Rescuing Horses, Rescuing Children
- Resorts & Travel
- Resource Centers
- Restoration of Old Hotels Worldwide
- Restoration of Parks
- Restoring Africa, One Small Town at a Time
- Restoring Caribbean Islands, One Farm At A Time
- Restoring Rural America, One Small Town At A Time
- Restoring Rural America, One Farm At A Time
- Restoring Rural America, One Reservation At A Time
- Restoring Rural Canada, One Community At A Time
- Restoring Rural Canada, One Farm At A Time
- Restoring Rural Canadian Communities, One At A Time
- Restoring World Communities
- Reviving World Communities
- Reviving World Communities, One Farm At A Time
- Reviving World Communities, One Home At A Time
- Road Dog Projects
- Rosetta Art Institute (Gifted Children of all Ages & Global Exchange Program
- Rosetta's Earth Schools (Metaphysical/Intuitive/Sacred Plants/Herb/Alchemical Studies)
- Rosetta Earth Institute for Children (Metaphysical/Intuitive (In association with Wing Cross Farms)
- Rosetta Family Care Homes (Pregnant Teen Homes) (1st one in Alberta)
- Rosetta Family Homes (For our Elders to have a place in case they are alone)
- Rosetta Foundation For Learning (Global Mentoring/Exchange Programs)
- Rosetta Healing Centers for Men (Counseling, addiction, trauma, grief, etc.)
- Rosetta Healing Centers for Women (Counseling, addiction, trauma, grief, etc.)
- Rosetta Healing Institute (Mental Health)
- Second Chance Programs (New Careers or Trades/Re-training /Counseling)
- Spice 'n Herbs Shoppe
- StarAngel Foundation (Ecological/Reforestation/Preservation Jungles/Rainforests for youth)
- Sweet Shoppe
- Television Studios/Social Media/News Broadcasts & Radio
- Theme Parks & Bird Sanctuary (New Zealand)
- Third World Environmental Cleanup (Provide clean drinking water & cleanup of sewage)
- Vertical/Hydroponic Farming
- Veteran's Agency
- Veteran's Healing Retreats
- Veteran's Retreat
- Vineyards/Orchard
- Vineyards/Orchard & Teaching/Cooking Center
- Vineyards/Orchard Family Retreats & Teaching/Cooking Center
- WBG Worldwide Grassroots Talent Competitions
- Whole Foods Cafe's
- Whole Foods SuperMarkets
- Wildlife & Domestic Rehabilitation, Shelters & Sanctuaries (America)
- Wildlife Foundation (Ontario)
- Wildlife Foundation (Canada-wide)
- Wildlife Rescue Ranch (America)
- Wildlife Sanctuary - Bear Fund
- Wildlife Sanctuary - Elephants, Lions, Tigers
- Wing Cross Farms (Horse Farms - Exchange program ) w/Rosetta Earth Schools
- Worldwide Wildlife Sanctuary Fund
- WBG Wisdom Centers
- World Wide Removal of EMF & Hydro Lines
- Worldwide Resorts
- Yoga on the Go - A
- Yoga on the Go - B
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