
                          This site will be fully functional post RV/ GCR , GESARA.



                                                                    WBG  World Wide                                    Watch and Listen to WBG_251                                                                                                  Humanitarian Projects                                      Video Credit: By: Gia17                                                                                                                  Overview                                                        (Gematria Numbers)                                                  
                                                      Also on You-Tube                                                     Song Credits By: Blackbird                                     
                                       by: John Lennon/Paul McCartney                                
                                                                                                                 Blackbird Lyrics copyright   
                                                                                                               Sony/ ATV Music Publishing LLC

                                                                 Graham Hodsdon                                                               Life without Money
                                                   Time to think about where we                                                    By: James
                                                   go from here! Money will not
                                                    be important anymore!

                                                           (Let the video Load first).

What is W.B.G. - The World Benevolent Group is a group of companies and individuals that are committed to a feasibility plan of action towards peace and prosperity for everyone on the planet! We will  support anyone who wants help financially or who needs help with a service, projects, inventions or ideas!

We propose a system for everyone who follow one rule...DO NO HARM! i.e. (Hurt, Harm or HINDER). We will support any idea as long as it is All Natural, Holistic, Environmental or Free Energy based. Basically an idea that is dedicated to the betterment of human and environmental concerns. Using existing technology or new E.T. technologies to better humans and the environment while being cost effective!

Investors - Inventions - Need a Job - Placement
Need a job or Career?  - If you need an new job or career in any profession Please click on the Careers /Jobs&Careers tab at the top of the page.
Volunteer - If you want to donate your time in exchange for learning a new trade, room and  board etc. even in another country! Please click on the Careers/Volunteer tab at the top of the page.

Investors - We welcome any investor who wants to expand their portfolio. We have a vast number of  opportunities for the small, medium, or large investor.

We offer - Unlimited earning potential on many projects big or small. Any inquiries can be submitted by  clicking on the Opportunities/Investors tab at the top of the page.

Invention - Don't have the resources? If you have an invention, product, service or an idea that you would like us to look at to be funded, please click on the Opportunities/Invention tab at the top of the page.


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 Join us in Telegram Group - (Search for "World Benevolence Group").

Join us on our new WBG Telegram CHANNEL Group. Have a Humanitarian Business Plan?

Invite everyone on Telegram. They can scan the QR Code to join WBG Telegram Channel.

DownLoad Signal Here. All platforms available.

Join us on Signal -  (Search for "World Benevolence Group").

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